We optimize value chains, making them transparent, reliable and far more effective

Committed to empowering your organization or consortium with the power of blockchain

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Trusted by companies and consortia around the globe

How much does paper
slow your value chain down?


Each day, forward-thinking companies are transforming blockchain’s promises into clear-cut, bottom-line business results. Unchain supports them.

But, building and deploying enterprise blockchain solutions continues to be a bigger task than a single business can tackle on its own. Discover how Unchain can help you bring together associates across departments and disciplines, industries and organizations, and countries and cultures.

Our Solutions

Why transparent value chains are a hot topic: the benefits

1. Increase traceability of material value chain to ensure corporate standards are met

By today’s standards the end client wants to feel comfortable with the authenticity of its product. At the same time organizations want to provide more transparency in the delivery of materials. Materials of different value chains can sometimes travel great distances before it reaches the client. You want to make sure you have full traceability in the chain. In many cases different parties need to work together to ensure the corporate standards are met and the materials in the value chain are up to the high standards. With blockchain the benefits is that working together with different parties becomes much easier, more efficient and secure.

2. Lower losses from counterfeit or gray market trading

By the end of 2020 worldwide counterfeiting will reach 1.82 trillion USD. With these yearly increasing numbers companies need to do more and more to ensure the authenticity of their goods. The benefit of blockchain is that it allows manufacturers to record products that they have made in a decentralized ledger technology that is regulated by a consensus protocol. This makes it possible for consumers to check the authenticity of the product. With blockchain the records that are being created on the blockchain are immutable and create transparency between all parties.

3. Improve visibility and compliance of outsourced contract manufacturing

You must stay competitive as a company, but you want to continue making a high quality product. This sometimes require the manufacturing by another party. This other party might not work with the same standards you are used to. By sitting together and coming to an agreement you hope to achieve a level of trust that ensures the quality of the product. This can be an expensive process to initiate and can cost a lot of resources. The benefit of blockchain is that you can create a blockchain platform in which you connect different technologies, like for example IoT devices that can detect errors or other variables in the manufacturing process. The blockchain creates a immutable record on the agreement all parties have made.

4. Reduce paperwork and administrative costs

Currently the world is in great transition to move from manual paper and administrative work to a more automated, time saving process. The great challenge can be the process in which you communicate with multiple parties in a value chain. With blockchain you allow a transparent way of communicating and sharing data without the need of trusting the other party. The benefit is that you can create a platform with multiple parties in which you can -for example- settle agreements/transactions. This reduces the need for manual paper and administrative work. You can set up a smart contract that makes this process unnessercery.

Our Solutions

How much does paper
slow your value chain down?


Optimize your value chain
through the power of blockchain:
traceability, visibility and automation

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Unchain will help you unleash the possibilities


We help organizations simplify data sharing and transacting within their value chain. Unchain helps you map out the blockchain possibilities for your company. We guide you through each step of the way, whether you’re just getting started with blockchain technology, or are ready to take the next step to further develop the use of blockchain within your organization.

What can Unchain do for your value chain?

Control your value chain

Whether it is downstream or upstream, sharing information in a uniform way enables you to be in control of your value chain. Create visibility in the materials you source or provide the end customer with the ability to check the authenticity of your products; the added value of having a blockchain-based backbone in your value chain is multifold.

Transact with ease

Organizations interact to create value and wealth. Digitally transforming these business transactions will allow you to form new agreements, error-free and 100% aligned with your suppliers, partners and customers. The Blockchain Gateway will integrate with your existing business applications, eliminating any manual effort.

Made to scale

When your organization grows, you form business relationships with new suppliers, clients and business partners. By making each interaction and piece of data as uniform as possible, your business becomes more predictable—which is a good thing. You can onboard new partners easily by using the Blockchain Gateway, designed by Unchain.

Spark your imagination regarding the endless possibilities: who we’ve helped before

How we helped Vattenfall realize a more decentralized energy grid

The blockchain solution that made the registration of decentralized energy immutable Powerpeers, now Vattenfall, believes that every individual can contribute to the transition to clean

A more transparent and visible medical supply chain for I+solutions

The blockchain solution that improved the supply chain of essential medication Around 2 billion people around the world do not have access to essential medicines,

How we implemented a financial blockchain solution for KLM

The blockchain solution that impacted KLM’s intercompany settlement processes Founded in 1919, KLM is the oldest airline in the world still operating under its original

Understand how Unchain can help you
build a transparent value chain using blockchain technology

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